Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ted Talk #8 (Ian Dunbar)

There are several take always from this video. The most important idea, one that runs parallel with Daniel Pink’s ideas, is that motivation and punishment is truly not the best way to train dogs, or people. Motivation over time will fail. Another take away from this video is the reminder that humans try too hard to raise children. If they just sat back and punished less, let them explore, and teach them things that they NEED in life, children would have better futures. People and dogs need to have skills to survive in life, not the skills to solve algebraic equations. Negotiating and sharing are skills that will be useful when all else fails.
He has many effective speaking techniques. He relates his lessons to stories because, as we know, stories help the human mind comprehend. His stories were also related to his childhood sometimes. This made the audience know that his beliefs, which he was raising his own child by, were truly what he believed in and not some made up theory. Another successful technique was the puppy videos. Almost every human can’t resist a cute puppy playing. These adorable videos of puppies lured the audience into the presentation so they listened to him.
His presentation style included many videos. The videos of cute puppies made the audience pay more attention. He also had many examples of when his training techniques could be used in the real world. This let the audience truly comprehend what his techniques were all about.
From this video the concept that students need to learn real life skills is important. Kids need skills that allow them to get along in the world when all else fails. This applies to education because the system of how we teach our future generations for their future. The schools need to adapt their lesions so kids get a dose of the real world at a young age. The world could also take a lesson from this speech. They too need to adjust their disciplinary systems so that there is more self reward than anything.

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