Monday, May 2, 2011

Ted Talk #6 (Dave Eggers)

The main take-away from this video is that kids are out there and need help, and anyone can help them. The tutoring shows that writers can help students with English, and there are other ways out there that students can get help with math of history. The people of society need to be creative and help the future of America. Another take away is when he talks about how he wishes that he could have 1,000 stories about helping kids in public school. This shows how he truly wants people to help in the community.
The speaker has many effective techniques. The first one was he let the audience what know what he was feeling. This loosened up the audience so they were conferrable l with him and listened more intently, understanding every word. By connecting with the audience his message seamed more real, and the audience is more likely to try to live out his message is their own life. He also used a story to intrigue the audience. As we have read in “Story” stories help the human mind connect to and understand what is being said.
His presentation style included many slides and pictures. This made it easier for the audience to picture what he is talking about. Instead of saying “well the room looks kina like this but only with this little thing over there”, he can say “This is what the room looks like”. Thus there is less confusion during his ted talk.
This connects to me because I too can see what need in all public schools is. One on one time is highly valuable to students and I love the way Eggers puts all of his passions into one. His store/editing studio/tutoring center is the best idea I have ever heard. The world could use more people like Eggers. If everyone had a passion to teach, or do something good, in the community, the world would be 1,000,000 times better to live in. Education will dramatically change when people, like Egger, realize what potential they have to change the learning community.

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