Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ted Talk #4 (Clay Shirky)

This video has many take ways. The first one is a team is better the one person for creating things. The Blog in the begin gig was better when a team got together and created a new website. It only took a little time and a whole new thing was born. This is the main idea of the whole Ted Talk and should really be thought about and tried to be applied to everyday work.
The speaker’s effective speaking techniques are he changes his voice speed to emphasize certain points. When he is telling the audience about the Trillion that the world has of free time he says the “over one trillion hours a year” extremely slow so that the listener can process what he is saying and understand the magnitude of the fact. He also has a very monotone voice. This, in a way, hypnotizes the listener and they zone out everything but his voice. The most important technique he uses is story telling. Like all the other ted talks, he has a story to start off the presentation. This, as Dan Pink’s book A Whole New Mind says, gets the listeners attention and helps them remember the facts better.
His presentation style includes a lot of pictures and slides. By doing this the audience is more engaged and can better understand what he is talking about. It also get the audience to look at the screen more, preventing their minds from wondering.
This video is very encouraging. It shows that the world’s ideas together can become great and this should inspire people. It also shows the audience that even the worst creative ideas are possible. This applies to me because I have a lot of creative ideas, and they are not always the best. If I were to try some of these ideas I might have an idea that makes me a millionaire. This lesson should apply to education because kids should be encouraged to come up with creative ideas. To often kids are not allowed to be creative in school and forced to follow the rules. If teachers encouraged them to be creative more the world might have many creations that would be useful of entertaining. The world should also use the lesson; even the worst creative idea is an amazing idea. If every creative idea was tried out, the world would have better technology, cars, buildings, and medicine. Not all the ideas may have worked, but the ones that did may have ended up changing history.


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